Sunday, April 5, 2009

The transformation: Do blonds have more fun?

In late march, Stephanie and I decided to be girly and dye each other's hair. Stephanie went with a redish brown color and I decide that with spring about here to lighten things up and put chunking highlights in my hair. I received a kit from another friend and held just for a special occasion just like this. To make a long story short, my hair ended up looking somewhat stunk like. Here is a pic of me the day after getting ready for work.
Eric was not a fan of this new look and thought that is would be cool to dye my hair completely blond. After a little convincing, Eric went to the store bought a bleaching kit for dark hair and later that night for our date, he began striping my hair. Here is a pic of me during my three hour wait to rinse my hair with a bag over my head and looking chipper.
Three hours later, after much whining and complaining that my scalp it burning. I hopped into the shower and then went to bed. I Got up the next day, which was April Fool's and got ready for work. Here's the result of our hair striping date. I am excited to see and hear the reactions for everyone I come in contact with.
So what do you think?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No April Fools Joke

As many of you have seen already, I have recently joined the Facebook cult. And as expected, I am already addicted which is hard to believe as I rarely become addicted to anything (okay so that bit about addiction is a bit of an April Fools joke). I can already tell that I will be spending more time on Facebook and less time updating our blog site. However, Aimee and I will still continue to update our blog site from time to time when we have the urge to write about something in more detail than what is considered kosher on Facebook. I just thought I would let all of you, our faithful and dearly beloved readers, know so that you have time to mourn over this tragic loss!