Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Ratte Christmas

This is not a Christmas for the less fortunate. It is actually quite the opposite. Those who participate in this Christmas have a few things in common. One of the things that they have in common is that they are either a Ratte or are married to a Ratte. Ratte is my maiden name and my mom's maiden name (if you think about that, that is not very common). Another thing that they have in common is that they are very rich in life experiences. I can remember as a little girl going over to my uncle Jim and auntie Joan's house in Stillwater and celebrating Christmas with them and their family. We did this because by the age of 21 my mom lost both of her parents, and she was just learning to balance life without them with the new responsibility of raising a child (me). Uncle Jim kind of took us under his wings and gave us support that transcends all understanding. He would send my mom money every year to help give me a Christmas. And as I grew up, he would tell me stories of my grandpa. He would paint pictures in my mind of what kind of man he was, how I would be his little princess, and how he would have loved to take me fishing and share his love for sports with me. He helped to show me what it would be like to have a grandpa. I am truly blessed to have these fond ideas of this wonderful man that is my grandpa. It helps fill the void that I have. Below is a picture of my uncle Jim and my auntie Joan.Thank you for all the love and support throughout the years and thank you for the fond images that you have given me of my grandpa.

In addition to Uncle Jim and Auntie Joan, my mom's brother Steve and his wife Jackie along with their youngest daughter Joy, her husband Phil, and their two daughters came down from Duluth for the Ratte Christmas. It is always wonderful to see them and to catch up on pretty much a year's worth of events. Below is a picture of my uncle Steve with one of his granddaughters, and the other picture is my auntie Jackie with another one of her granddaughters.

These little girls bring so much laughter to the day. What makes one rich is not the material things in life but things that shape us and makes us who we are. Family is definitely one of those things. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The One With Aimee's Surprise 30th Birthday Party

For about two months now, I have been planning a surprise weekend for Aimee's 30th birthday; and this past weekend was the weekend it all went down (Aimee's birthday was yesterday, January 13). On Friday night before we went to bed, I told Aimee that we would need to be up and ready to leave the house by 9:30 a.m. I had her drive since I had mapped everything out and would need to be the one giving directions so that all events would remain a surprise. We first went to get her Aztec washed and then headed north on 52 before arriving at the Minnesota State Capitol Building. This is something we had been wanting to tour for quite some time; and over the weekend, we made it the 11th State Capitol Building we have visited. Below is a picture of what I thought was the Minnesota State Capitol Building while growing up in Iowa and learned that it is not...rather, it is the Cathedral of Saint Paul!

Below is the real Minnesota State Capitol Building! It was probably one of the nicer Capitol Buildings we have toured with Madison, Wisconsin, being the exception.

After touring the Capitol Building, I then had Aimee drive us from downtown St. Paul over to downtown Minneapolis. She was quite surprised when I asked her to pull over at the Hotel Ivy and use their valet parking (this was the first time either of us had used valet parking...I even looked up appropriate tipping on this). We then walked a couple of blocks to our next destination which was The Melting Pot. Neither of us had eaten there before, but I knew Aimee had been wanting to try it out for some time now. The Melting Pot is a fondue restaurant and can be quite pricey, but it was well worth it. We ordered the four-course meal for two which started with a cheese fondue with bread, apples, and veggies; followed by our salads; followed by the main fondue with lobster tails, salmon, shrimp, chicken, steak, pork, and potatoes; followed by the chocolate and peanut butter fondue with cheesecake, pound cake, strawberries, bananas, pineapple, and oreo-covered marshmallows. It was all very delicious, and we were both very full by the end of the meal!

Aimee thanking her drink for coming to the meal! She ordered a Pomegranate Cosmo.

Me thanking my drink for coming to the meal! I ordered a Blueberry Bop that tasted nasty, and the waiter kindly offered to get me a different drink.

Our waiter was great and explained every part of the meal to us in great detail which was very helpful. He even offered to take a picture of us together as we enjoyed our chocolate and peanut butter fondue.

After the meal, I knew we would not want to be driving right away again, so I walked with Aimee back to the Hotel Ivy where I had made an appointment for her to have a one-hour signature facial at the Ivy Spa Club.

After Aimee's facial, I then had her drive us back to Rochester and over to Chateau Theaters in time to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. We both enjoyed the movie and said we had never seen anything like it before. I thought it was slow moving in a few parts in the middle; but we both left the theater with a tear in our eyes.

After walking to the Aztec after the movie was over, I had Aimee get in the passenger seat and told her to tie a towel around her head like a blindfold for the next surprise. She asked if I was kidding, and I said no. I then drove around northeast Rochester for a few minutes before making my way to Kevin and Nicole Youel's house where 15 or so of our in-town friends were waiting to scream "SURPRISE!" when Aimee walked through their front door. In the picture below, Allison Vail is peaking out the front window as I lead Aimee up to the front door.
Aimee removing the towel from her head and discovering her final surprise.

After mingling for a little while and eating supper, I put the letter candles on the two ice cream cakes I had purchased from Cold Stone Creamery (although I broke one of the P's while trying to stick it in, so it ended up being "HAPY BIRTHDAY!"). Aimee then made her 30th birthday wish and blew them all out with one breath.
After that, it was time for Aimee to open up her presents from everyone. In the picture below, she is opening up her gift of strawberry champagne from Cassie Khotmanivong. She also got a couple of coloring books and crayons, some scrapbooking items, and an adult-sized pair of full-body pajamas like you used to wear when you were little.

Before some of us started in on a 500 tournament and before some people had to leave, we got a picture of everyone who helped celebrate Aimee's 30th birthday (from left to right): Korrie Johnson, Erin Jimenez, Cassie Khotmanivong (brought Penelope over to the Youel's house for us), Allison Vail, Chris Walston, Aimee, Chad Fisher, John White, Stephanie Fisher, Beth Bristol, me, Nick Johnson, Nicole Youel, Kevin Youel, John Jimenez (took many of the pictures at the party), and Karl Bristol.

The 500 tournament ended prematurely as Chad and Steph had to leave so that they could get up and sing in choir at church the next morning. Those of us who were spending the night at the Youels then went upstairs and shared bathroom stories and other assorted scary and humorous stories. At about 4 a.m., we all decided to call it a night. As Nick and Korrie had not planned on spending the night, we lent them some of our extra pajamas to sleep in and let them share our toothpaste, mouthwash, and a contact container and solution. The next morning, we got a picture of Aimee wearing her full-body pajamas from Allison Vail holding Allison's daughter Ashley in her full-body pajamas.

The whole weekend was awesome, and I couldn't have pulled it all off without the help of many who were invited and especially the Youels for working tirelessly on their newly remodeled home (with a few finishing touches yet to be completed)!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Club 31 Book # 3

In the book unchristian, it points out that Christianity has a image problem and how this problem is shaping our culture. The next generation, 16-29 yrs. olds, is a skeptical bunch, not trusting the motives of individuals, always thinking that they have alternative motives. We have to identify where we as individuals have contributed to the unchristian mentality and then allow Christ to change our ways and mold us to His likeness. Among the items listed, Hypocritical, Too focused on getting converts, Antihomosexual, Sheltered, Too political and Judgemental, which are you/have you been or in what ways have you personally contributed to the unchristian mentality? How will you change?
The third book on our list was called Unchristian. In all honesty, this has been one of the most humbling, life/attitude changing books I have ever read. I was truly convicted in many ways when reading this book. I found my thoughts and attitudes being transformed right before my eyes, becoming more like Christ-accepting and loving people where they are at, reserving judgement for the one who has not sinned.
My goal for myself after reading this book is to be authentic and real with others, not to be judgemental and accept and love others where they are at.
God commissioned us to spread the Good News to all nations. In order to be Christ's hands and feet, we need to try to understand those around us where they are coming from and why they can be so skeptical of the Christians they meet. If this is your heart, then Unchristian is a good book for you to read.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bringin' in the New Year with the Rhodes Family

On New Year's Eve night, my entire family met up in Owatonna to visit our long-time family friends, the Rhodes family. My parents and Lonnie and Sue Rhodes all attended college together at Minnesota Bible College (now Crossroads College) and have remained good friends since. Our two families all got together at least once or twice a year for as long as I can remember growing up. There are many memories my family shares with the Rhodes family with the most memorable for me being sinking a motor boat with all ten of us in it in the middle of Long Lake up near Park Rapids while my dad and Lonnie got stung dozens of times by bees that had built a hive in the front of the boat and had apparently became aggravated midway through our boat trip.

While our parents still get together at least once or twice a year, the entire families had only gotten together once since us kids left for college; and that was exactly four years ago. Lonnie and Sue's oldest, Philip, in now 35 years old and is married to Brynn; and they have three kids (Maya 10, Xander 4, and David 2) and have recently moved to Owatonna and are living in Lonnie and Sue's old house. Lonnie and Sue's middle child, Kirsten, is now 30 years old and has just recently moved in with them after living out in California. Lonnie and Sue's youngest, Peter, is now 27 years old and is married to Nicole; and they live in Owatonna as well. With all of them living in Owatonna and having three houses, they were able to host our family overnight. It was really good to catch up, reminisce, and play games against each other. There was even talk about having family t-shirts and a traveling trophy in the years to come for the family who will win the most points in all of the games that will be played. In the picture below, Brynn is waiting for the women to get a clue in Catch Phrase (actually, I think the women beat the men in Catch Phrase two games to one).

After many games were played and after bringing in the New Year, Aimee and I rode with Peter, Nicole, and Kirsten back to Peter and Nicole's house. We stayed up another hour or so talking some more but mostly watching Penelope play with their dog Piper. Penelope had a good time trying to get Piper to play tug of war with her, but Piper was not so fond of Penelope taking her toys out of their bin and spreading them out all over the place. All of Piper's toys have names, and the toy Penelope is playing with in the picture below is named Big Nuts (a squirrel).
On New Year's morning, Sue had reserved the gym at the bank where she works in Owatonna; and all of us except my brother Brad and my dad (they went to Phil and Brynn's house and watched Iowa win the Outback Bowl...GO HAWKS!) went and played some floor hockey followed by some 4-on-4 basketball and then Lightning. In the picture below, Aimee is facing off against Maya in the center with Brynn and I behind them near the windows, my brother Chris to the right of us near the windows, Kirsten as the goalie, Nicole to the right of her, and Lonnie facing the center.
In the picture below, Lauren (Maya's friend) is dribbling while Nicole and Lonnie are guarding her. Peter is barely visible in the white shirt behind Nicole, Chris is also barely visible in the green shirt behind Nicole, Mom is in the yellow shirt, Philip is in the gray shirt, and Brynn is in the maroon shirt waiting for a pass as she was wide open.

After the games at the gym, we headed back to Lonnie and Sue's house for more fun, food, and games before everyone headed back to their homes on New Year's night.