Sunday, January 11, 2009

Club 31 Book # 3

In the book unchristian, it points out that Christianity has a image problem and how this problem is shaping our culture. The next generation, 16-29 yrs. olds, is a skeptical bunch, not trusting the motives of individuals, always thinking that they have alternative motives. We have to identify where we as individuals have contributed to the unchristian mentality and then allow Christ to change our ways and mold us to His likeness. Among the items listed, Hypocritical, Too focused on getting converts, Antihomosexual, Sheltered, Too political and Judgemental, which are you/have you been or in what ways have you personally contributed to the unchristian mentality? How will you change?
The third book on our list was called Unchristian. In all honesty, this has been one of the most humbling, life/attitude changing books I have ever read. I was truly convicted in many ways when reading this book. I found my thoughts and attitudes being transformed right before my eyes, becoming more like Christ-accepting and loving people where they are at, reserving judgement for the one who has not sinned.
My goal for myself after reading this book is to be authentic and real with others, not to be judgemental and accept and love others where they are at.
God commissioned us to spread the Good News to all nations. In order to be Christ's hands and feet, we need to try to understand those around us where they are coming from and why they can be so skeptical of the Christians they meet. If this is your heart, then Unchristian is a good book for you to read.