Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Like a Gazelle

This past Saturday, August 23, 2008, I ran in the Rochester Half Marathon (13.1 miles). I had only run in one other competitive race post high school; and that was a 5K (3.1 miles) last summer, so this definitely challenged me. While I did not train as much as I should have, I did gradually increase my distance the last couple of months on the Douglas Trail. Below is a picture of me stretching in front of the Holiday Inn Downtown before the race.

There were 603 people who completed the half marathon. I am about half way back in the mob, so you cannot see me in the picture below. I thought it was freezing that day while I was waiting for the race to start (mid 50s). However, the weather turned out to be perfect once I started running.

The picture below made me laugh as everyone had stopwatches on their arms that they are starting as they cross the chip line. I had one in my pocket that I referenced at the four water stops.
About ten minutes after the half marathon had started, a 5K race began. Pictured below are two of Aimee and my friends from college, Jessie Garcia and Bonnie DePeel (both left-handed),
approaching the finish line.
My first goal was simply to complete the race. My second goal was to try to average under a 9-minute mile. My official time for the race was 1 hour, 58 minutes, and 20 seconds with an average mile time of 9 minutes and 2 seconds per mile, so I came very close to meeting both goals. That is me pictured below as I approached the finish line near the Mayo Civic Center.
I must admit that I have never experienced such tight muscles in my life as I did after the race. Even today, four days later, they are still a little tight. I did stretch after the race (pictured below). It was great to have Aimee and Penelope's support at the end of the race!
My sister-in-law, Dee, wants me to run in the Des Moines Marathon (26.2 miles) with her in October of 2009. Judging by how my legs felt after this race, I am going to need to train a little more seriously for that race if I want to have any hope of not being permanently wheelchair bound!


Cassie said...

great job on your run!!!!! you look like a pro!! =P

Jennifer Mulvihill said...

Congratulations, Eric! Way to go!