Monday, December 8, 2008

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies!

At the beginning of December, Beth invited me to join her, her sister-in-law Kathie, and her friend Nicole in a day of cookie fun. We started out enjoying a nice bowl of creamy broccoli chicken and rice soup along with bread and salad. Then we began to tackle our laundry list of holiday cookies. It was a list of four cookies. The first cookie on the list to tackle was the traditional sugar cookie.
While the dough for the sugar cookie was chillin, we decided to take on the no-bake holly wreath cookie. This was an experience!

After the no-bake holly wreath, we began to crush up the oreos and mashed in the cream cheese for the ever-yummy oreo truffles. Here is the yummy end product.

While the truffle filling was hardening, we decided to decorate the sugar cookies.

By the time we were finishing up decorating the cookies, all of our creativity was zapped (or at least mine was); and by the end, the cookies that I decorated just ended up being covered with tons of frosting. Here is a picture of my finished product of cookies.

Aren't they just beautiful!?! I am soooooooooo proud! Once we finished up decorating the sugar cookies, the last cookie that we decided to tackle was our version of the thin mint cookie. This cookie took a little bit of a steady hand and lots of patience, which by this time we were all running thin on (or at least I was).

But I must say that this was one of the easist cookies to make and one of the yummiest.